All submissions to the Everyone’s Invited website are manually read and categorised by a team of volunteers. Only submissions that refer to personal, first hand experiences of rape culture are posted. If the submission is a second hand account eg. if submitted by a parent or a friend we do not post these as we cannot be sure that consent was given. We take the area of consent seriously.
We want to share with you that some submissions that are emotional outpourings, spoilt submissions, or personal communications with Everyone’s Invited are not posted.
Currently, due to a backlog in the sorting of submissions the number of stories posted on the website is fewer than the number of submissions received.
Everyone’s Invited posts submissions on the website. At present, we are not posting the names of schools or universities alongside these submissions. However, school names and universities names may be included on larger group data, such as the ‘School’s List’ or the ‘University List’. This approach ensures that our commitment to anonymity continues to be met.